Supra Thunder Low – Fall 10


We´ve been big fans of Jim Grecos Shoes for a long time. His skating is awesome, his apperance might be a bit….childish. But the Suprano was great (especially the pillz design) and the Thunder low is a must. These are the only skate only shoes that I´ve bought in recent time. Otherwise the Cons is a favourite. But that´s a different story.

The Thunder low is coming in a nice yellow colour for the fall. Remember back in 99 when yellow was the main colour? triple 5 Soul, Rookie, French hip hoppers – everyone was wearing yellow. This might be the start of a revival! The model also comes in a awful pinstripe design.


One Response to “Supra Thunder Low – Fall 10”

  1. data recovery Says:

    Really nice shoes! Thanks for sharing such great article.

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