Ribcap Head Protection

Monday, December 10th, 2007

Protecting your head is really important when you’re out snowboarding or skiing. A helmet is the best alternative for this, I’m using a Cebe Ripper myself. Ribcap is lighter alternative to helmets, it doesn’t offer as much protection as a helmet but it sure offers more than just wollen cap. The caps have energy absorbing […]

Airhole – They’re Ninja Masks You Idiot

Wednesday, February 21st, 2007

Airhole Ninja masks is pretty much what it sounds like. It’s a mask to keep the cold out with a breathing hole to let the breath out. We are a new company about to blow the f**k up. From the sizzled minds of Chris Brown and Kale Stephens comes “Airhole ninja masks”. We specialize in […]